Unit Aims: The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the underpinning skills and knowledge required to develop productive and new partnership working opportunities within their own and o
‘The Duty of Care concept operates as an unnecessary and unfair restriction on liability for negligently inflicted harm’. Consider the arguments for and against this position and reach a reaso
You work as part of the Customer Insight Team for a large media and market research agency, which serves a wide range of business clients across a number of market sectors. Your manager has asked your
Critically analyze how logistics and supply chain strategy can contribute to the competitiveness of an organization.
Critically evaluate the issues associated with the development of supply cha
Assessment Brief
Part 1
A reflective blog. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to apply theory to your own lived experience to enhance your experience and learn from it.
• Th
The UK Government has often been found in breach of the European Court of Human Rights. The following case study evaluates a breach of Article 8, how the European Court responded, and the effect it ha
For this assignment, we have been given a case study scenario related to the
improvement of the layout of an online banking site for a better customer experience. The company in qu
Learning outcomes assessed within this piece of work as agreed at the program level meeting On successful completion of this module students will be able to
1. Develop dynamic web pages for practic
Instructions for Assessment
Formative Assessment
The formative assessment for this module takes the form of a group-based poster. You will be asked to conduct an analysis of a global brand with re