You are a marketing consultant who is going to develop a target market strategy for a global brand and present your marketing strategy to the Top Management Team: Global Marketing Assignment, UOY,UK

Assessment 1: Oral Assessment and Recorded Online Individual Presentation CASE SCENARIO: Developing Target Market Strategy for a Global Brand in the UK. You are a marketing consultant who is goi
| George Orwell | 29th Mar 2022

Clearly identify and give a 200-word overview of the brand you have chosen at the beginning of your assignment: Business and Management Assignment, UOY, UK

Task 1  Clearly identify and give a 200-word overview of the brand you have chosen at the beginning of your assignment. Name the brand, state which area(s) you’ll focus on, and give an idea of t
| George Orwell | 11th Mar 2022

You are an ethical consultant Prepare an ‘ethical audit’ of an organization of your choice: Corporate Responsibility Assignment, UOY, UK

You are an ethical consultant. Prepare an ‘ethical audit’ of an organization of your choice. This entails a critical evaluation of the following: The organization's approach to Corporate Gove
| George Orwell | 31st Jan 2022

Discuss how this has impacted Social Care settings that previously provided services under the National Minimum Standards: Regulation and Inspection of Social Care Case study, UOY, UK

Write a Report about the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act. Choose an area on which to focus within the standards of RISCA. Discuss how this has impacted Social Care settings that p
| George Orwell | 21st Jan 2022
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