VTCT (iTEC) Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Aesthetic Treatments (UBT462 & UBT464) Assignment Brief

University ITEC
Assignment BriefDetails
Qualification TitleVTCT (iTEC) Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Aesthetic Treatments
Unit Codes/TitlesUBT462 – Principles, Practice, and Ethics of Advanced Aesthetic Therapies
UBT464 – Skin Science for Advanced Aesthetic Therapies
Learner Name
Date Issued
Final Deadline

Declaration of Authenticity :

The work you submit for your assessment must be your own. Should you copy from someone else, allow another learner to copy from you, or plagiarise in any other way, you may be disqualified for
the unit concerned.
Declaration by learner
I have produced the attached work without assistance other than that which is acceptable under the
scheme of assessment.
Learner name ____________________________________________________________________
Learner signature ______________________________________ Date ______________________

Declaration by Tutor/Assessor

I confirm that:
1. The learner’s work was conducted under the conditions laid out by the specification.
2. I have authenticated the learner’s work and am satisfied that to the best of my knowledge, the
work  produced is solely that of the learner.
Tutor/Assessor Name _____________________________________________________________
Tutor/Assessor signature __________________________________ Date ___________________

Principles, practice and ethics of advanced aesthetic therapies Skin science for advanced aesthetic therapies

UBT462 & UBT464
For this assignment, learners are required to produce a range of responses to the topics within each task. Each task will outline the topics the learner will be required to focus on when generating a response. Learners need to evidence their knowledge and understanding of the subject area.
Project Length:
VTCT has assigned an approximate word count to each task. Although the word count does not form part of the assessment criteria, learners must ensure that their responses contain sufficient detail to meet the demands of the command verbs used within the assessment criteria, covering all of the requested content.
Presentation guidelines:
The assignment must be presented electronically in typewritten form. VTCT recommends that the responses generated should be double line spaced, except for block quotations, notes, captions or long headings. A uniform font should be used throughout.
Harvard style referencing should be used throughout for in-text referencing and the reference list.

UBT462 – Learning Outcome 1

UBT462 – Principles, practice and ethics of advanced aesthetic therapies
• Learning Outcome 1 – Analyse the developments of advanced aesthetic therapies
Task 1
You are required to analyse the purpose for, and current levels of, clinical oversight within advanced aesthetic therapies, evaluating your findings. Your response should include the following:
• Current dispensing models for controlled drugs
• Regulation for the use of topical anaesthetic products
• Ethics around the use of anaesthetic products by medics and non-medics
• The influence of regulatory bodies, both voluntary and mandatory
• Proposals for, and consultation on, greater regulation and oversight
Approximate word count: 800 words

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UBT464 – Learning Outcome 3

UBT464 – Skin science for advanced aesthetic therapies
• Learning Outcome 3 – Comprehend how to prepare for and provide advanced skin assessment
Task 2
You are required to analyse the accepted protocols observed to prepare for and provide skin assessment for advanced aesthetic treatments, and how those protocols inform effective
treatment planning.
Your response should include the following:
• Preparation of self and work area for consultation
• Consultation techniques
• Advanced skin analysis
• Factors which may limit or affect the desired outcome
• Treatments planning
Approximate word count: 800 words

Assessment Criteria 

All assessment criteria must be achieved to be awarded a pass for this assignment.
Task 1
The learner analyses the purpose for, and current levels of, clinical oversight within advanced aesthetic therapies, evaluating their findings. The learner’s response contains evidence of research into the legislation that surrounds dispensing models for controlled
drugs, alongside influencing regulation for the use of topical anaesthetic products associated with advanced aesthetic procedures. The learner’s response includes evidencebased information on the role of voluntary and mandatory regulatory bodies, exploring the possible impact of greater regulation within the sector.
Task 2
The learner evaluates the protocols observed to prepare for and provide skin assessment when providing advanced aesthetic treatments, and how they inform effective treatment
planning. The learner’s response includes an analysis of the protocols to follow for preparing self and the work area for consultation, whilst exploring consultation techniques and skin
analysis methods utilised, to elicit the required information. Consideration is given to the factors which may limit or affect the desired outcome of treatment and all information is
evaluated to ascertain how it informs effective treatments planning.

Assessment Criteria

Marker Amplification Guidance
The assessment indicators provide further guidance to markers by amplifying the characteristics of a pass and fail Short Answer Response assignment to support decision making for the assessment criteria.

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Assessment indicators of a pass for UBT462 – LO1:
The learner response analyses current levels of clinical oversight within advanced aesthetic therapies, drawing on relevant evidence-based information to develop their evaluation. The learner clearly demonstrates in-depth knowledge of current dispensing models for the use of controlled drugs and regulation for the use of topical anaesthetic products. Additionally, the learner’s response demonstrates understanding of the issues surrounding the use of controlled drugs and topical anaesthetic by none medically trained personnel. The learner’s response contains a well-researched analysis of what influence regulatory bodies (both voluntary and mandatory), have, whilst exploring the proposals for greater regulation and how this might impact on the advanced aesthetic sector. The learner response includes sufficient evaluation of the information gathered.
Assessment indicators of a fail for UBT462 – LO1:
The learner reports on the purpose for, and current levels of, clinical oversight within advanced aesthetic therapies but lacks appropriate attention to current dispensing models for the use of controlled drugs and regulations for the use of topical anaesthetic, furthermore the learner’s response fails to demonstrate an understanding of the issues surrounding the use of such, by none medically trained personnel. The learner does not apply an evidence-based approach to develop their analysis of the proposals for, and consultation on, greater regulation and oversight and therefore, fails to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the subject area. The learner’s response fails to include an evaluation of the current levels of clinical oversight and how they might be impacted by greater regulation.
Assessment indicators of a pass for UBT464 – LO3:
The learner evaluates the importance and relevance of the accepted protocols observed to prepare for and provide skin assessment for advanced aesthetic treatments, demonstrating how those protocols are utilised to inform effective treatment planning, to meet the specific needs of the client. The learner provides a well-structured appraisal, integrating analytical skills and critical thinking, to demonstrate a high level of understanding of the topic. The learner interrogates a wide variety of data collection methods, including consultation techniques and advanced skin analysis methods, making sufficient judgments to identify factors which may limit or affect the desired outcome of treatment, and how this information informs effective treatment planning.
Assessment indicators of a fail for UBT464 – LO3:
The learner reviews the importance and relevance of accepted protocols observed to prepare for and provide skin assessment for advanced aesthetic treatments but fails to form an evaluation. The response fails to demonstrate how those protocols are utilised to inform effective treatment planning, to meet the specific needs of the client. The learner response demonstrates a level of understanding of the topic, however, the learner has omitted important facts and details, making insufficient judgments to identify factors which may limit or affect the desired outcome of treatment and how this information informs effective treatment planning.

Marker Amplification Guidance

Overarching assessment indicators of a pass SAR assignment:
The learner’s assignment aligns with the approximate word count to ensure their task responses contain sufficient detail to meet the demands of the command verb indicated in the task requirements. The learner’s evidence is presented in a clear, coherent structure and demonstrates higher level study skills expected for the level of the qualification. Throughout the assignment, the learner clearly demonstrates a secure grasp of complex theories, concepts and principles. Appropriate referencing is used to ensure that the evidence generated is authentic to the learner, with no evidence of plagiarism, cheating or collusion present. For more information on authenticity of learner work, please refer to section 5.7 of
the qualification specification.
Overarching assessment indicators of a fail SAR assignment:
The learner’s assignment does not align with the approximate word count and therefore contains insufficient detail to meet the demands of the command verb indicated in the task requirements.
The learner’s evidence is not presented in a structured and coherent manner and fails to evidence higher level study skills expected for the level of the qualification. Overall the assignment does not demonstrate a secure grasp of complex theories, concepts and principles. The learner does not use
appropriate referencing which brings into question the authenticity of the evidence generated by the learner, potentially indicating that plagiarism, cheating or collusion has taken place. For more
information on authenticity of learner work please refer to section 5.7 of the qualification specification.

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