What are the most valued and least valued shopping mall attributes? To answer this question, you need to: Marketing Analytics Assignment, UOS, UK

University University of Southampton (UOS)
Subject Marketing Analytics


  • What are the most valued and least valued shopping mall attributes? To answer this question, you need to:
    a) Rank shopping mall attributes based on their importance ratings using a valid statistical technique. Come up with some marketing recommendations/ decisions based on your analysis to guide their product strategy
  • Are there any significant differences between males and females in terms of their level of importance assigned to shopping mall attributes? To answer this question, you need to:
    a) Compare male and female sub-samples on assigned level of importance to six shopping mall attributes
    b) Come up with some marketing recommendations/decisions based on your analysis to guide segmentation/targeting strategies for your allocated business client.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your business client?To answer this question, you need to:
    a) Use the SPSS software package to conduct a formal comparison of customers’ perceptions of the six shopping mall attributes across the three shopping malls while adapting the appropriate statistical technique.
    b) Come up with some marketing recommendations/decisions based on your analysis to improve the competitive position of your business client. The answers will be different depending on who is your business client.
  • What is shopping mall attributes that drive one’s revisit intentions to a given business firm? To answer this question, you need to:
    a) Test the relationship between customers’ evaluation of shopping mall attributes of a given shopping mall with their revisit intentions.

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