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What is the Relation Between Sedentary Behavior and Obesity: Health and Social Care Research Paper, UOG, UK
University | University of Greenwich (UOG) |
Subject | Health and Social care |
TITLE: What is the relation between Sedentary Behaviour and Obesity?
1. Introduction and background to literature review
a) Have you provided the reader with an introduction to your area of interest?
• Problem statement: Have you provided relevant and up to date indices/statistics to back up your research problem (what, why. who, whom, etc)
• Have you made it clear why you have selected this topic area’)
Assessment Type:
Within health and social care professions there has always been a need for practitioners to remain up to date with changes in practice and ensure they deliver evidence-informed care. Carrying out a literature review enables students to gain a deeper understanding of an area of interest relevant to their future profession.
Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:
1 Evaluate a range of research methods applied to health and social care practice.
2 Evaluate the importance of ethical practice and positionality when undertaking action research or research in a health / social care setting.
3 Analyse an appropriate area of research and design an appropriately small-scale research study.
4 Appraise relevant key literature and critically analyze to support own research proposal.
You will write a 1000 word literature review related to your area of research interest in health and social care. The topic should be agreed upon with your supervisor and will form the basis of your research proposal for assessment 2.
In addition, you will have a series of one-to-one tutorials with your research supervisor during which you will demonstrate your ability to meet the learning outcomes.
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