Who owns and controls the media? What are the social, cultural & political implications of media ownership: Political Science Assignment, UOC, UK

University University Of Cambridge (UOC)
Subject Political Science
  1. Who owns and controls the media? What are the social, cultural & political implications of media ownership?
  2. Is Hacktervism a genuine political movement? Can it offer alternatives to corporate media ownership?
  3. Has the internet generated a new dynamic in media ownership and media content?
  4. What are the main social and cultural implications of social media? Answer using substantive evidence.
  5. How do political parties use social media during election campaigns? Does it make a difference in terms of voting intentions?
  6. Is the multi-media world a ‘fourth esate’? How has it changed the way in which political communications take place?
  7. Does the advanced media world we live in create greater political, social, and cultural knowledge?
  8. What are the social and political arguments related to the positive and negative aspects of gaming? Relate your answer to media narratives. Give examples such as gender, violence, or apolitical apathy.
  9. In what ways do the contradictions and paradoxical practices of the contemporary media exhibit themselves in relation to the coverage of disability? Answer by giving at least two contrasting examples.

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