William Safran in his 1991 article sets out a framework for analyzing and assessing what constitutes a diaspora: Geography Assignment, UOC, UK

University University Of Cambridge (UOC)
Subject Geography

William Safran in his 1991 article sets out a framework for analyzing and assessing what constitutes a diaspora. In this review of the article, you should outline the main features of his arguments and critically assess their merits and weaknesses. You should utilize as a minimum at least three other authors and their conceptions of the diaspora to assist in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of Safran’s arguments.


  • Addressing the Question – very important
  •  Coherence and Organisation- important
  •  Content depth and knowledge- important
  •  Evidence of reading – very important
  •  Analysis and Critical reasoning- Very very important
  •  Clarity of Expression – important
  •  Referencing – Important

Structure Continued

  •  Having outlined and critiqued(meaning evaluate not just criticize) Safran’s work you now develop your conclusion. What are your final thoughts on his article?
  • Don’t introduce new ideas into the conclusion just give your final thoughts.
  • You should have outlined the main elements both positive and negative of Safran’s work in the main body of your assignment


  •  It will be up to you to decide. Whether to view Diaspora as a definitive group or community, residing outside their original homeland but with links to that homeland real or imagined(Jewish, Armenian, Palestinian, African)
  • Diaspora as a fluid conception of unfolding identity, experiential (hybrid, migrant, cosmopolitan) reflecting the dispersal
  • Diaspora as an ethnic minority, transnational migration, and development
    (Chinese, Indians, Polish)
  • We are interested in the processes, politics, and experiences that shape these conceptions. Using Africa and its Diaspora as principle examples but drawing on other diasporic formations as well.

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