You are working as part of a team of government health and safety Inspectors Your team leader has allocated the team: BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Applied science Assignment

You are working as part of a team of government health and safety Inspectors. Your team leader has allocated the team to visit a range of different science organizations, e.g. a pharmaceutical company, a company that produces plastics, and a cosmetic company, and report on the health and safety practices within these organizations.

You need to select a suitable organization to inspect. You will Inspect their factory where the product is mass manufactured. You will also Inspect the research and development site for the organization.

You will produce a report that provides information on how the two departments In the selected organization are following relevant health and safety legislation as well as describing the hazards present and how health and safety are managed.

• Describes the main activities of the organization

• Describes the potential hazards in each department selected and links these to the health and safety measures used.

• Explains why following the selected organization’s specific health and safety management system improves the standard of health and safety and allows the company to comply with legislation..E.g. Control of hazardous substances and Personal Protective Equipment legislation and health and safety policies.

• Compares the health and safety measures taken in relation to legislation for the two departments you inspected.

• Evaluates the measures taken by the organization you inspected to ensure high standards of health and safety that comply with legislation.

• Includes the benefits and constraints of following the systems for the employees and to the company.

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