You recruited 50 students into the study. All male students were studying at the University of Reading; all were aged 18-21 years old: Biomedical Science, Report, UOB, UK

University University of Bedfordshire (UOB)
Subject Biomedical science


You recruited 50 students into the study. All male students were studying at the University of Reading; all were aged 18-21 years old.

All were considered reasonably fit and healthy with no pre-existing health conditions that would prevent exercise. The students were split into two equal-sized groups: (1) those students(N=25) that wore a fitness tracker and could see the data, and (2) those students (N=25) that wore a fitness tracker but couldn’t see the data.  Students wore the tracker for the same six-week period during May-June 2017.

During this six-week period, each student was asked to charge their fitness tracker overnight to ensure all exercise was recorded. The fitness tracker would count any incidence where heart rate was about 160bpm for 10 minutes or more as “an exercise session”.

The number of exercise sessions recorded are summarised below (e.g. Male subject #1 recorded 16 exercise sessions in the six-week period, whereas Male subject #50 recorded 11 exercise sessions in the same period):

NB: when you enter these data into MINITAB you will need to create two columns of figures, one column for the number of exercise sessions by the male students in the control group (no tracker) and one column for the numbers of exercise sessions by the male students in the experimental group (with a tracker).

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You recruited 40 female students into the study. All-female students were studying at the University of Reading; all were aged 18-21 years old. All were considered reasonably fit and healthy with no pre-existing health conditions that would prevent exercise. The students were split into two equal-sized groups: (1) those students (N=20) that wore a fitness tracker and could see the data, and (2) those students (N=20) that wore a fitness tracker and could not see the data. Students wore the tracker for the same six-week period during May-June 2017.

During this six-week period, each student was asked to charge their fitness tracker overnight to ensure all exercise was recorded. The fitness tracker would count any incidence where heart rate was about 160bpm for 10 minutes or more as “an exercise session”. The number of exercise sessions recorded are summarised below (e.g. Female student #1 recorded7exercise sessions in the six-week period, whereas Female subject #40 recorded 10exercise sessions in the same period):

NB: when you enter these data into MINITAB you will need to create two columns of figures, one column for the number of exercise sessions by the female students in the control group (no tracker) and one column for the number of exercise sessions by the female students in the experimental group (with a tracker).

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