You will demonstrate independent thinking relating to individual case management and preparation of the perioperative environment: Storyboards Assignment, LAU, UK

University Leeds Arts University (LAU)
Subject Storyboards

You will demonstrate independent thinking relating to individual case management and preparation of the perioperative environment, whilst establishing a rationale for preoperative and intraoperative care interventions undertaken. Furthermore, understanding must be shown of your professional responsibility in relation to your scope of practice as required by professional and regulatory standards such as the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and College of Operating Department Practitioners (COPD). You will present your understanding of the learning outcomes through your chosen storyboard method. This assessment is the equivalent of a 3000-word assignment.

  • Building on learning in year 1, demonstrate the development of an independent approach to the professional expectations of caring for the surgical patient including preparation of the surgical environment and patient case management
  • Appraise concepts, theory, and practice of patient-centered, integrated care by establishing appropriate pre-operative, anesthetic, and surgical care interventions and rationale.
  • Analyze the Operating Department Practitioner’s role and professional responsibilities and boundaries when caring for the surgical patient throughout their perioperative journey

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